Highlights of EMIG-NG virtual conference
Last Saturday was definitely an entirely exciting day for all that witnessed the conference. We kicked off with the address of our Facilitator, Dr Mobola Kukoyi who joyously celebrated all that EMIG-NG has been able to achieve over the last 1-year plus. Next, Jonathan Kajjimu delivered a totally inspiring speech that summarised his journey in the world of EM research as a medical student to date (Currently, he is an additional content editor for AfJEM). We then had the presentations with Blessing Amatemeso emerging as the best presenter, had advice and recommendations and then wrapped up.
A list of all previously recorded sessions and the links to them can be found here.
EMIG-NG Research groups request assistance
As we prepare for our first-ever scientific conference, some of EMIG-NG’s Research subgroups have requested help with reaching a larger audience for the data collection on their research. Please help share their questionnaire links to the desired target populations in your network.
The study titled ‘Level of public awareness and knowledge of emergency medicine-related services (EMS) among the adult population in Nigeria wants to reach adults who live in either Lagos, Abuja or Benin. live in either Lagos, Abuja or Benin. The following text can be copied and pasted to help with that.
Pls kindly spare 2 minutes of your time to fill this questionnaire.🙏🙏🙏
It assesses the level of public awareness on emergency care related services in Lagos, Benin and Abuja.
You will be able to choose which of these states you're in.
For the month of June, we’ll be talking about hemostasis in the ED. Look out for the session announcements.
Thank you so much for being so supportive thus far. Please continue to support us by donating to Zenith Bank | Acc No: 2288666943 | Ibu Faith Omimi.
The 6th African Conference on Emergency Medicine 2022 has made the call for abstracts under the following subthemes:
Opportunities are available to present abstracts either as oral or poster presentations. Submissions close on 30th June 2022, allowing approximately 4 months from the announcement. It may still be enough time to start and finish a research project. Details can be found on the conference page by clicking the link in the heading.
Black Girl White Coat (BGWC), an NGO that supports IMGs of colour in the US is offering a 1000USD scholarship grant for any IMG participating in the 2022-2023 match cycle which will be used to cover costs related to an away rotation. Apply here for this remarkable opportunity if it suits your current interests.
Our monthly journal club is also a GREAT opportunity for you to make an oral presentation of a research paper/topic of interest and get a certificate for it by EMIG-NG. If interested, please sign up here.
AAEM Residents and Students Association (AAEM/RSA) Committee sign-ups are open!
ICEM 2022 Conference Standard Reg. open till 13th June
The conference theme ‘Better Care for a Better World’ is a goal we strive to achieve and encapsulates why we work in EM. Registration for full virtual attendance costs 350-450 AUD and 200 AUD for a single day. More information is available on the conference page. The link is in the heading.
IFEM Medical Student Symposium
The International Federation for Emergency Medicine (IFEM) is hosting a Medical Student Symposium this year at the 21st International Conference on Emergency Medicine with details above. The symposium will hold on the 14th of June 2022 from 13.30-17.00 AEST. Full registration grants access to all events but to attend this event alone, a 10AUD/7.43USD fee can be paid. As with most other parts of the conference, this event can be attended both physically and remotely.
The symposium will share information about contextual circumstances, issues, and needs of undergraduate emergency medicine education. Also, one of our own, Aniekan Etesin will be one of the panellists there. Click the link in the heading to register.
African Conference on Emergency Medicine (AfCEM) 2022
This is the continent-wide biennial event for Emergency Medicine practitioners in Africa. It is always packed with so many exciting events, lectures, and other learning and networking opportunities. You can also apply to present a research paper you have begun or completed. The 6th edition will hold this year in nearby Ghana and we believe it’s a great opportunity for EMIG-NG members to attend. Registration is now open and details can be found by clicking the link in the heading.
Harvard Medical School’s monthly webinar series is a great opportunity to learn about varying topics in emergency medicine. You can register here.
IEM education project also hosts several educative video interviews with EM experts worldwide on their Youtube channel. Topics covered range from research to general tips that can help guide you through your EM career as a whole. Head over here to see them.
Please do not share the links to our official social media platforms (WhatsApp and Telegram) with non-EMIG-NG members.
We have noticed that certain people have been joining our Social media platforms who are not bonafide members of EMIG-NG. We would like to remind all members that EMIG-NG is dedicated to supporting EM-bound medical students and young doctors on the journey through their EM careers and to ensure that we remain focused on this, the executives painstakingly conduct selection processes before each member is admitted.
A 5-year-old boy has a severe sore throat, high fever, and cervical adenopathy. Before antibiotic therapy is initiated, the patient is given aspirin to reduce his fever. The mechanism of fever reduction by aspirin is:
A. shivering
B. stimulation of cyclooxygenase
C. inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis
D. shunting of blood from the surface of the skin
E. increasing the hypothalamic set-point temperature
The first correct answer in the comment box wins for the week. Each win counts towards a total for a reward later on. 🥳🥳